What's new in Economics 16.4

Release 16.4 Update 5 (version 16.4.5)

Report Options presets

Added new Report Options Preset function in the Calculate & Analyze workspace to store settings for Options and Additional Net Partners in the Generate Report interface. The Report Presets in the Manage Inputs workspace have been renamed to Currency & Discounting Presets to avoid name confusion.

See Report Options presets, Report (Currency and Discounting) presets.

Release 16.4 (version 16.4.0)

Configuration workspace replaces Administration

Configuration for Economics is now performed in a Configuration workspace inside the Economics module.

One Line Summary Report templates

One Line Summary Report templates have been introduced so that results can be viewed for multiple projects within a single report, where each spreadsheet row is a project summary.

Incremental settings in Report templates

Incremental settings can be added for Tab, Type, Group, Order, or Calculation Method.

Links to price and currency in Report templates

Links for price scenario and currency deck can now be added into report templates.

Terms documents push down

Variable values in terms documents can be automatically pushed down to all child terms documents.

Variable Enum List Type

A new variable Enum List Type for prices has been introduced, so that user-entered variables and terms variables can be populated with prices from the price deck.

Improvement of the incremental calculation logic

Improved the incremental calculation logic to allow for situations where the specified scenario (e.g. P50) in the incrementals configuration is different to the scenario selected for a result set run (e.g. P10). Base projects are now only required to contain the scenario specified in the incremental configuration (i.e. P50).

Security for Dataflow links

A security role 'Economics/Dataflow Links' has been added so that creation, modification, and deletion of Dataflow links are restricted to specified workgroups. In addition, hierarchy-level and folder-level permissions are now a requirement to manage links.

Incremental reporting for result set reports

Incremental reporting has been added for result set reports. The ‘delta’ between two specified result set runs is calculated and used as the data content for reports.

New regime functions

New regime functions MaxPeriodic and MinPeriodic have been added, to return the max or min value of a specified periodic numeric variable.

Calculate and Analyze workspace

Tabs opened within the Calculate and Analyze workspace now contain the relevant icon to indicate the type of document (i.e., Result Set, Result Set Run, or Report).

User interface persistence

UI adjustments for the following objects are now persistent: Debug Watch Window, Hierarchy Pane, Regime Designer.

Search improvements

Search bars have been added for result sets and for module functions.